Practice Group Interest Form

Practice Group Interest Form

A Practice Group (PG) is a way to engage with a group of other like-minded people who want to develop their Nonviolent Communication (NVC) skills in a safe learning environment over time.

Together you will grow in your awareness of self-connection, empathy, honest self-expression, and ability to listen and respond instead of react.

We know that it can be hard in the beginning to get comfortable with NVC. Identifying feelings and needs, and making requests can be challenging to learn and practice on your own.

A practice group is a small group of 10 to 12 people who agree to meet weekly via Zoom over a period of time to study NVC using these 2 books:

An NVC practitioner will work with the group for several weeks until the group feels ready to continue meeting on its own.

*An NVC foundations training is a highly recommended prerequisite or something comparable.


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  • Practice Group